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Monthly Installment

eyp. curi masa tulis blog sekejap.

this morning i asked my collegue to change his phone. he's using nokia which i don't know the model but i do know the phone, kalo dah pakai lame,the buttons will go menggelembung macam belon. when i asked him why,he told me sebab senang kalau jatuh phone ni xkan jadi apa-apa.

me myself still using nokia butterfly actually. can't deny that this old school things are more robust than nowadays punye phone. i can't use touch screen phone sebab my hand berpeluh. even tapak kaki pon would be a big problem to me to type message and even open the menu on the phone itself. and that's why i use this butterfly nokia and a blackberry bold for free messages (bbm,watsapp and fb).

why do i have to bring this up actually? actually i'm craving for samsung galaxy 3. i can't even use samsung galaxy s or galaxy s2 and how can i think that i'm craving for s3? i hate this gile gadget thing i have. i remember when i was gile nak beli panasonix lx5. ya Allah,please tell me that i have a lot more to think other than gadget.

ok guys, what's your purpose when you buy a latest,gempak phone actually? is it for games?doesn't all the games console you have enough? is it for better perfomance of the processor?doesn't your pc or lappy have this? is it for better video call quality?can't be kan?sbb they are still using the same quality front camera. or is it for you to brag in front of your friends?or to compete who have the latest gadget?

i am not saying that i'm against all of this. but i think youngster nowadays are too obses with gadget. pls,kalau beli latest gadget hari ni,there will be like 7-8 new gadgets after one week. macam mane nak kejar jadi yg paling hebat? kau mampu? why don't you save your money to buy a house? kenapa kerajaan buat skim rumah pertamaku? younsters,you didn't realize harga hartanah melambung sekarang? don't give me excuse of you tak cukup duit nak bayar rumah. you know what,i paid monthly installment for my house lot more cheaper than your latest gadget price. ape kata korang simpan duit korang beli gadget tu,buat down payment rumah. buying a house is like doing an investment. it's not the same as you beli kereta. what i've learnt,kereta ade susut nilai.that's why u'll get lower price when u sell ur used car. rumah tak macam tu.let's say you can't stay at the house you bought,kan boleh bagi sewa and then,the money you get from it boleh bayar monthly installment rumah tu. tolong lah fikir panjang2. sampai bila nak menyewa bagi duit kat orang lain when you actually have a chance to have your own properties?

please guys,bukan membebel's just an opinion. whatever you do,think twice.



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